Under the implementation of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) technical cooperation projects (TC), this March 1 and 2, Aleksey Katukhov, a project management officer from the IAEA Technical Cooperation Department, paid a visit to the National Nuclear Center RK. The purpose of the visit was to discuss implementation issues of national IAEA TC projects, which RSE NNC RK is working on at this point in time. Those are project KAZ9016 ‘Scientific and technical support of activities to release lands of the former Semipalatinsk Test Site (STS) to the economic use’, project KAZ9018 ‘Development of biological dosimetry in Kazakhstan to ensure nuclear and radiological emergency preparedness and response’, project KAZ9015 ‘Study and the choice of potential areas to construct radioactive waste repositories in crystalline rocks of the Semipalatinsk Test Site’. The visit was focused on issues of further project implementation, equipment supplies, the arrangement of internships and workshops. As part of his visit, Mr Katukhov has also been to the exhibition hall of the Semipalatinsk Test Site and laboratory buildings of the branch ‘Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology’.