Quality and audit at the Testing Center

December 20 through 22, 2023, 6 staff members of the branch ‘IRSE’ were trained on the subject ‘General requirements for competencies of testing and calibrating laboratories as per requirements from GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2019. Management systems were internally audited in accordance with requirements of ST RK ISO ‘19011-2019’. Heads of subdivisions and a quality officer from the Testing Center ‘Center for Radioecological Research’ were among trainees including staff members involved in auditing accredited subdivisions of the branch. A 24-hour workshop program covered requirements for the competencies of laboratories and management auditing instructions. The knowledge was gained to improve qualifications of subdivision heads, a quality officer and auditors, to maintain and enhance the operation of the management system of the Testing Center ‘Center for Radioecological Research’ and the Testing Laboratory ‘Radiation Control Laboratory’.