Posted: 07.04.2020
One of the priorities in Institute’s activities is research into the radiological situation of the former Semipalatinsk Test Site. Preparatory measures are annually taken for implementing the work planned before the field season starts. These consist in defining the amount of sampling, planning visits, preparing equipment and instruments. It is worth noting, however insignificant this […]
Posted: 23.02.2024
February 15 through 22, 2024, employees of branch “Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology” V.V. Bozhko, S.P. Levchenko, and A.V. Toporova took part in the workshop to share experience in predicting public and biota radiation exposure in the vicinity of nuclear power facilities and in contaminated areas.
Posted: 27.05.2022
May 16 through 20, 2022, as part of the regional IAEA technical cooperation project RER7013 ‘Assessment of ground water resources and interaction of ground and surface waters in the context of adaptation to climatic changes’, a regional coordination meeting was held in Krakow (Poland) attended by an engineer of the Department for the Development of […]
Posted: 13.11.2019
Currently, a workshop ‘Risk management. ISO 31000’ arranged by the ‘Republican Academy for Technical Regulation, Standardization, Certification and Metrology’ is being held in Nur-Sultan city November 12 through 14, 2019. Training is provided by an auditor and expert of the State System of Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Orlova. A […]
Posted: 14.06.2024
On June 10 and 11, 2024, a Steering Committee Meeting was held in Almaty – SCM2024 associated with the 30th anniversary of the scientific and technical cooperation between the Nuclear Human Resource Development Center of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Institute of Nuclear […]
Posted: 25.08.2023
On the threshold of the International Day of Antinuclear Test Actions, the National Nuclear Center RK hosted tours of the exhibition hall of the Semipalatinsk Test Site (STS) for Kazakhstanis and residents from near and far abroad. The hall presents genuine exhibits and scientific documents. The stock numbers about 100 storage units. A programed control […]
Posted: 15.10.2018
September 25 through October 5, 2018 IAEA hosted a regional course on environmental remediation technology in Obninsk city based on Rosatom Technical Academy, Russian Federation: Regional Training Course 5 on Remediation Technologies: Landform stabilization. This course was organized under the IAEA Technical Cooperation Project “Support of labour forces development for designing and implementing comprehensive programs […]
Posted: 15.02.2021
Within the frame of the project IAEA RER7015 – «Improvement of Management of Shore Lands of Mediterranean, Black, Caspian and Aral Seas Using Nuclear Methods of Analysis» an online meeting took place on the 11th of February of this year. A.K. Aidarkhanova, Head of the Laboratory for Experimental Researches of Transfer Mechanisms of the Department […]
Posted: 01.02.2020
On the 31st of January in the city cultural center the project «Excursion to the Semipalatinsk Test Site» was demonstrated. The employees of the branch «Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology» of the RSE NNC RK provided information on the history of Semipalatinsk Test Site (STS) and current radioecological state of the STS. The visitors […]