Posted: 14.06.2024
On July 10-12, 2024, the International Conference on Radiation Applications (RAP 2024) was held in Granada city (Spain). The conference was attended by scientists and experts in radiation physics, chemistry, medicine, biology and ecology from different countries of the world. Andrey V. Panitsky, a head of the Department of Radioecological and Biodosimetric Research, Yelena N. […]
Posted: 25.06.2020
Every year the number of X-ray examinations increases, therefore, the issue of the quality of research to be undertaken is becoming more pressing. Research mostly depends on how correctly the X-ray diagnostic equipment is adjusted and operates. Any malfunction in the X-ray diagnostic equipment directly affects an increase in patient doses. According to regulatory requirements […]
Posted: 04.10.2018
October 1 through 4, for the purpose of popularizing the science, innovative technologies and technical education, raising ecological competence and reducing radiophobia level as well as disseminating basic knowledge and forming a positive attitude towards the atomic branch, there are meetings for schoolchildren in different places of Ust-Kamenogorsk city arranged by joint efforts of the […]
Posted: 23.02.2024
February 15 through 22, 2024, employees of branch “Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology” V.V. Bozhko, S.P. Levchenko, and A.V. Toporova took part in the workshop to share experience in predicting public and biota radiation exposure in the vicinity of nuclear power facilities and in contaminated areas.
Posted: 14.11.2019
November 7 through 9, 2019 there was IX International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Topical issues in uranium industry’ held in Almaty. А. Shatrov, L. Kenzhina, P. Krivitsky, Zh. Tleukanova, M. Aktayev participated in conference proceedings on behalf of the branch IRSE NNC RK. The subject matter of the conference were topical issues in cost-effective use […]
Posted: 16.05.2018
It became a good tradition to run competitions of scientific works among the young specialists of the National Nuclear Center of RK. From one year to another the interest grows among the participants to obtain reward in fundamental, applied, engineering and technical area of the competition. In total from the 16th to the 18th of […]
Posted: 10.10.2023
Since September 25, 2023, in the vicinity of Tsuruga city (Japan) as part of the Nuclear Technology Workshop arranged by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), a chief of the radiation research laboratory of the Radiological Research Department of the branch ‘IRSE’ of RSE NNC RK P. Krivitskiy has been a participant of a 4-week […]
Posted: 27.04.2018
IAEA’s course attendees April 16 through April 27, 2018 staff members of the branch “IRSE” NNC RK Andrey Panitsky and Vladimir Kashirsky attended the fourth regional IAEA’s course “Planning, implementation and management of environmental rehabilitation projects” (Regional Training Course 4 on Planning, Implementation and Management of Environmental Remediation Projects), that took place in the Technical […]
Posted: 08.04.2020
The first experimental harvest this year has already been reaped and waits its ‘laboratory turn’ to reveal us all the mysteries of how radionuclides migrate in the ‘soil-plant’ system! Soon a pepper harvest will make us happy, which is cultivated using a special technique with hydroponic units by utilizing water of high tritium activity concentration. […]
Posted: 10.02.2020
At the 7th of February, 2020 the «Relevant Humor» KVN-2020 game for the cup of Director General of the NNC RK between the branches of the NNC RK and city organizations was arranged in the cultural center of Kurchatov city. Teams of the branches «Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology» (IRSE), «Institute of Atomic Energy» […]