Posted: 15.04.2019
On April 8-12, 2019 there was XXIII Academician M.A. Usov Scientific Symposium for Students and Young Scientists “Problems of Radioecology and Subsoil Development”, held in the Tomsk National Research Polytechnic University based on the Engineering school of natural resources dedicated to the 120th anniversary since the date academician К.I. Satpayev and professor K.V. Radugin were […]
Posted: 20.06.2019
Organization of on-the-job training, pregraduation practical training on the contractual basis has become traditional for the branch “Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology” RSE NNC RK, not only for students of Kazakhstani educational institutions but also CIS countries. In particular, 5th year students of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Radiochemistry Chair of the Chemistry Faculty […]
Posted: 05.06.2023
Under TC (Technical Cooperation) Project KAZ9018 ‘Development of biological dosimetry in Kazakhstan to assure nuclear and radiological emergency preparedness and response’, an expert Christopher Buddy, a head of the Radiation Effects Department of the UK Health Security Agency on his mission from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) visited a biodosimetry laboratory in the Institute […]
Posted: 14.06.2024
On June 10 and 11, 2024, a Steering Committee Meeting was held in Almaty – SCM2024 associated with the 30th anniversary of the scientific and technical cooperation between the Nuclear Human Resource Development Center of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Institute of Nuclear […]
Posted: 03.11.2017
Between November 1 and 3, 2017 the branch “Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology” RSE NNC RK arranged a workshop involving specialist from the Japan Atomic Energy Agency and the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan on current radioecology problems. The first day of the workshop started with the meeting between Japanese delegation […]
Posted: 19.09.2018
Between September 11 and 13, 2018 VIII International scientific and practical conference “Semipalatinsk Test Site: Legacy and Prospects for Developing Scientific and Technical Capacity” was held based on RSE “National Nuclear Center”. The conference was dedicated to the two significant events: the 60th anniversary of the branch “Institute of Atomic Energy” and the 25th anniversary […]
Posted: 07.08.2020
The International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) is an intergovernmental organization that establishes business contacts among scientists from Kazakhstan, Armenia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Georgia and their colleagues from research centers in EU, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Norway, the United States and other countries. The ISTC promotes international scientific projects and helps the global scientific […]
Posted: 17.05.2019
On the first day of his working visit to Kurchatov city, the ambassador from the USA William H. Mozer visited a complex of research reactors “Baikal-1” at which he was introduced to projects implemented as part of the Kazakh-American cooperation in the field of atomic energy development and solving issues of nuclear weapons non-proliferation. In […]
Posted: 27.05.2022
May 16 through 20, 2022, as part of the regional IAEA technical cooperation project RER7013 ‘Assessment of ground water resources and interaction of ground and surface waters in the context of adaptation to climatic changes’, a regional coordination meeting was held in Krakow (Poland) attended by an engineer of the Department for the Development of […]