Posted: 16.09.2019
Between September 7 and 13, 2019 the 5th International conference on environmental radioactivity – ENVIRA 2019 was held in the Czech Republic (Prague city). The conference was hosted by the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Czech Technical University in Prague in cooperation with the University of Comenius in Bratislava, […]
Posted: 30.05.2023
As part of NATO project No. 5684 ‘Novel triage biological and physical techniques in radiological emergencies’, staff members of the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology: a head of the biodosimetric research laboratory, L.B. Kenzhina, Ph.D in Medicine, and a leading laboratory specialist, D.B. Biyakhmetova participated in the 51st Congress of the European Society for […]
Posted: 17.05.2019
On the first day of his working visit to Kurchatov city, the ambassador from the USA William H. Mozer visited a complex of research reactors “Baikal-1” at which he was introduced to projects implemented as part of the Kazakh-American cooperation in the field of atomic energy development and solving issues of nuclear weapons non-proliferation. In […]
Posted: 10.02.2020
At the 7th of February, 2020 the «Relevant Humor» KVN-2020 game for the cup of Director General of the NNC RK between the branches of the NNC RK and city organizations was arranged in the cultural center of Kurchatov city. Teams of the branches «Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology» (IRSE), «Institute of Atomic Energy» […]
Posted: 10.10.2023
Since September 25, 2023, in the vicinity of Tsuruga city (Japan) as part of the Nuclear Technology Workshop arranged by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), a chief of the radiation research laboratory of the Radiological Research Department of the branch ‘IRSE’ of RSE NNC RK P. Krivitskiy has been a participant of a 4-week […]
Posted: 24.04.2017
ORGANIZERS OF THE CONFERENCE Republican State Enterprise «National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan» Branch «Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology» of the RSE «National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan», Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan To execute the order for the NNC RK № 03-17/18 in. of the 02.02.2017 […]
Posted: 03.05.2023
As part of the training of national technical experts, the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) held the 25th Regional Introductory On-Site Inspection Course (RIC-25) April 24 through 30, 2023 in the vicinity of Bratislava c. in Slovakia. On behalf of the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a chief of the radiation research […]
Posted: 21.04.2018
Between April 20 and 21, 2018 the Kazakhstani branch of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University in Astana city held ХIV “Lomonosov–2018” international scientific conference for students, master students and young scientists dedicated to Astana’s 20th anniversary. To participate in this conference young scientists from different countries of the world submitted over 450 abstracts. 154 nominees […]
Posted: 19.04.2022
On April 15-16, 2022, the XVII International Scientific Conference ‘Lomonosov – 2022’ for Students, Master Students and Young Scientists held by Moscow University, which is an integral part of the International Youth Scientific Forum ‘Lomonosov – 2022’, was held in the Kazakhstani branch of the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University and is dedicated to the […]
Posted: 27.03.2023
In accordance with the Order of the Acting Director General of RSE NNC RK, S.S. Lokshtanov No.63 as of 13.03.2023, in Kurchatov at the base of Institute of Geophysical Research RSE NNC RK branch within the period from May 30 to June 1, 2023, XXII R&D Competition-Conference for Young Scientists and Specialists of the National […]