
On July 10-12, 2024, the International Conference on Radiation Applications (RAP 2024) was held in Granada city (Spain). The conference was attended by scientists and experts in radiation physics, chemistry, medicine, biology and ecology from different countries of the world. Andrey V. Panitsky, a head of the Department of Radioecological and Biodosimetric Research, Yelena N. Polivkina, a chief of the laboratory of radioecological and biogeochemical research, and Sergey B. Subbotin, a senior researcher of the Monitoring, Ecological and Analytical Research Department, took part in the radioecology section on behalf of the branch ‘Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology’ of RSE ‘NNC RK’. They presented their findings under grant funding projects from MSHE RK AP19675376 entitled ‘Assessment of radioecological risks for big ungulates inhabiting the Semipalatinsk Test Site’, AP19675034 ‘Research of the radioecological hazard posed by organically bound tritium when accumulated by agricultural plants’ and АР19674615 ‘Assessment of consequences of uranium mines development in the North Kazakhstan region’. As part of the conference, research findings on a wide range of fields related to the application of radiation to physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, engineering and environmental sciences, as well as the ones from radiobiological and radioecological research along with the latest achievements in the development of analytical laboratory equipment were presented.