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Consolidation of efforts in the field of radiation protection
The National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan represented by the head of the biodosimetric research laboratory, Laura B. Kenzhina, Ph.D. in Medicine, participated in the European Radiation Protection Week (ERPW 2022) event held in Estoril city, Portugal under the NATO SPS 985684 Project October 9 through 15, 2022.
This is a large annual meeting of experts to consider current and new subjects, interdisciplinary issues in the field of radiation protection, biological dosimetry, emergency preparedness and response, medical and occupational exposure dose monitoring. The integration of Kazakhstan in the European research platforms, the harmonization of international radiation safety standards contribute to the strengthening of occupational contacts among research institutes of different countries, sharing experience in the field of nuclear and radiation safety, new collaborations in the field of biological exposure dose indication.
The science program involved ERPW2022 sessions, several workshops (EURADOS, NERIS, ICRP, EURAMED etc.), special sessions, tutorials/morning lectures, GA platforms and other related work meetings.
The paper presented by L.B. Kenzhina aroused much interest and numerous proposals for pilot studies in the field of quantitative assessment of the individual absorbed dose to people who work at the test site and to the public living in the adjacent areas.