Posted: 27.03.2023
In accordance with the Order of the Acting Director General of RSE NNC RK, S.S. Lokshtanov No.63 as of 13.03.2023, in Kurchatov at the base of Institute of Geophysical Research RSE NNC RK branch within the period from May 30 to June 1, 2023, XXII R&D Competition-Conference for Young Scientists and Specialists of the National […]
Posted: 28.12.2022
On December 23 and 24, 2022 Alikhan Bokeikhan Semey University held the first regional youth forum entitled ‘TOGETHER! ON THE SAME WAVELENGTH!’. The main forum goals were to find a socially active talented young people, improve occupational and creative competencies, gain useful knowledge and skills of self-fulfilment for the sake of economic, civilian and cultural […]
Posted: 24.08.2018
The National Nuclear Center RK obtained a certificate for state registration of rights to intellectual property — database “Radioecological situation at Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site”. Currently NNC RK has gained a huge amount of information concerning the territory of the former Semipalatinsk Test Site. These are outputs of scientific research programs, commercial projects implemented by […]
Posted: 28.05.2020
One commercial focus area in the branch Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology’ NNC RK is provision of individual dosimetric control (IDC) services. The equipment available in the branch allows the determination of individual doses from external beta-, gamma-, X-rays and neutron radiation both for the entire bodyя and for individual organs and tissues (hands, […]
Posted: 29.09.2023
On September 26, as part of 67th IAEA General Conference held in Vienna, Austria (September 25 through 29), a side event ‘Remediation of the former Semipalatinsk Test Site: 30 years of IAEA assistance’ was intended to highlight the contribution by IAEA made for Kazakhstan to securing Semipalatinsk Test Site and demonstrate advances through the international […]
Posted: 04.12.2024
November 24 through 29, 2024, the 6th International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity (ICRER 2024) was held in Marseille (France). The conference was attended by scientists and specialists in the field of radiation physics, chemistry, medicine, biology and ecology from around the world. The reports of the participants covered a wide range of fields […]
Posted: 26.04.2023
On April 21 and 22, 2023, the Obninsk Institute of Atomic Energy NRNU MIFI held VI International (XIX Regional) scientific conference ‘Technogenic systems and ecological risk’. The area of expertise at the conference traditionally reflected relevant scientific problems related to the study of man-made factors in the human habitat, the assessment of these factors’ impact […]
Posted: 17.05.2019
On the first day of his working visit to Kurchatov city, the ambassador from the USA William H. Mozer visited a complex of research reactors “Baikal-1” at which he was introduced to projects implemented as part of the Kazakh-American cooperation in the field of atomic energy development and solving issues of nuclear weapons non-proliferation. In […]
Posted: 19.03.2024
The Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology of RSE NNC RK proudly congratulates a deputy head of the Monitoring, Ecological and Analytical Department, Madina T. Dyusembayeva on the academic title awarded – associate professor in scientific field 10500 – Biological Sciences.