- Scientific and technical solutions and implementation of innovations in industry;
- Innovative modernization and reconstruction technologies for industry;
- Occupational and industrial safety;
- Waste recycling technology;
- Cost-effective use of energy and resources;
- Control systems and information technologies;
- Economy, management and finance;
- Quality management;
- Human resources policy, management and development of the enterprise’s human resources.
In Ust-Kamenogorsk, the III Youth Scientific and Technical Conference “Youth. The science. Innovation”

On September 19, 2019 there was III Scientific and technical conference for young scientists ‘Youth. Science. Innovations’ held in Ust-Kamenogorsk city, exhibition and information center of Ulba ironworks. The conference was attended by scientists and specialists from different enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan such as JSC ‘Ulba ironworks’, ‘Inkay’ Ltd, ‘Mashzavod’ Ltd, ‘Kaztsink’ Ltd.
The ‘Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology’ RSE NNC RK was represented by:
Yuriy Yevgenyevich Artamonov – category 1 technician, the analysis team of research data reporting on the subject ‘Radiation survey of territories using a pedestrian gamma-spectrometric survey’.
Amir Yerlanovich Kairzhanov – a specialist of the Bureau of the Scientific and Technical Information reporting on the subject ‘Interactive map of Semipalatinsk Test Site’.
Olesya Olegovna Marchenko – category 1 technician, the team of spectrometric measurements reporting on the subject ‘Determination of 3Н contribution to personnel and population doses at its intake with air’.
Yuliya Akeksandrovna Shakenova – category 2 technician, the research team for low-background sample reporting on the subject ‘Determination of 210Рo in soil samples’.
Anton Nikolayevich Shatrov – head of laboratory for nuclear and physical methods of analysis reporting on the subject ‘Assessment of internal exposure doses to personnel using standards and RK SERRS regulations and ICRP recommendations’.
Zhanna Yersynovna Zhapasheva – category 2 engineer of the experimental research team.
Zarina Beisembayevna Serzhanova – category 2 engineer of the experimental research team.
Mikhail Yevgenyevich Skopchenko – the team lead of the dosimetric control, laboratory of radiation research.
Togzhan Shalkaruly Toktaganov – category 2 technician of the research team for radiation situation and monitoring of aquatic environment.
Conference subject matter: