Home›News›NNC RK employees took part in the annual XIV International scientific and practical conference “Ecology. Radiation. Health”
NNC RK employees took part in the annual XIV International scientific and practical conference “Ecology. Radiation. Health”
On September 28-29, 2019 the employees of the Department for Comprehensive Studies of Ecosystems of the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology of the NNC RK – Head of EBR group, Candidate of Medical Sciences, L.B. Kenzhina and specialist A.O. Kenesarina took part in annual XIV «Environment. Radiation. Health» International Research and Practical Conference, housed by «Semey Medical University» non-commercial joint-stock company in Semey city.
Science topics of the Conference included radiation ecology and radiation safety, topical issues in clinical medicine, topical issues in medical laboratory diagnosis, treatment of diseases, preventive measures and rehabilitation of the people living at the territories, with bad ecological situation. The conference also included section of young scientists, and also poster presentations were made. Leading scientists from Japan, Turkey, Russia, Kazakhstan and other countries took part in the conference.
Participants from the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology of the NNC RK presented their reports within the «Radiation Ecology and Radiation Safety» section hosted by Scientific Research Institute of Radiation Medicine and Ecology of «Semey Medical University» non-commercial joint-stock company. The subject of cytogenetic biodosimetry sparked great interest among both foreign and domestic scientists, that was evidenced by multiple questions asked and long-term discussions.