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Cartographic support of works at the STS
Works to fulfill the obligations within the framework of budget and contractual programs aimed at survey of the territory of Semipalatinsk Test Site (the STS) have been performed by the branch «Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology» at full speed.
One of the most important stages in field works planning is development and analysis of map material, including identification of the areas to be surveyed, building a regular sampling grid, building schematic maps for distribution of both artificial and natural radionuclides, upon the results of field and laboratory studies of the samples collected and etc.
Currently we already have the first batch of passport data (results of field sampling) for the eastern part of the STS territory. Sampling results are introduced into database, and then using laboratory measurements results by means of GIS-analysis, actual understandable map material (maps, schemes, diagrams and tables and etc.), that can give the answers to multiple questions will be obtained.
As a conclusion we can notice that works on cartographic support of radioecological survey of the STS fully comply with the previously determined schedule time.