“European Radioecology Alliance Association”

The branch “Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology” RSE NNC RK has been a member of the international association called “European Radioecology Alliance Association”.
The Alliance activity is related to radioecological research, education, public enlightenment, knowledge management, provision of information properly exchanged with respective organizations in Alliance countries as well as with EU institutions and other international organizations (International Atomic Energy Agency, International Commission for Radiological Protection, International Radioecological Alliance).
Members of the Alliance consolidate parts of their relevant scientific research programs and developments into a comprehensive program which supports radioecological competencies and strengthens experimental infrastructure as well as addresses scientific and educational programs in assessing the impact of radioactive substances on human and the environments.
In 2017 the Alliance gave support to the international project “Assessment of stable elements as the indicator of radionuclides transfer process in the environment” submitted by British, Spanish and Kazakhstani scientists. The project involves Ecological Scientific and Technical Council — Center of Ecology and Hydrology (Great Britain), Extremadura University (Spain) and the branch “Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology” RSE NNC RK (Kazakhstan).
As part of the this project, the work is in progress on evaluating parameters of artificial radionuclides transfer in the “soil-plant” system in the territory of Semipalatinsk Test Site, the area contaminated owing to Chernobyl NPP accident and the territory of Spain as a zone least exposed to radioactive fallout, particularly, to Chernobyl accident. There are interlaboratory comparisons of analytical studies in progress.