Posted: 03.05.2023
As part of the training of national technical experts, the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) held the 25th Regional Introductory On-Site Inspection Course (RIC-25) April 24 through 30, 2023 in the vicinity of Bratislava c. in Slovakia. On behalf of the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a chief of the radiation research […]
Posted: 29.07.2019
Between May 21 and 24, 2019, there was a head-quarter exercise held according to the IAEA scenario on the premises of Ulba ironworks with support of URS/ DTRA US DoD. This event of attended by specialists from USA, Russia and Kazakhstan. A technician Zakharov Vadim Sergeyevich of the Radiation Research and Ecosystem Restoration Department on […]
Posted: 26.02.2021
As a part of cooperation between the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NNC RK) and Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), the ninth annual training course «Preparedness for Nuclear and Radiological Accidents» was conducted online on the 22, 24-26 of February, 2021. The aim of the course was to make the attendees have […]
Posted: 20.04.2018
In Obninsk city on April 19-20, 2018 II International (XV Regional) scientific conference “Technogenic systems and ecological risk” was held based on the Institute of Atomic Energy — the branch of the National Nuclear Research University “MEPhI” (IAE NNRU MEPhi). At the plenary and breakout sessions of the conference there were relevant problems addressed in […]
Posted: 05.10.2022
In accordance with the Order of the Director General of RSE NNC RK E.G. Batyrbekov No.03-07/44 ext. as of 2022/02/22, in Kurchatov town at the base of the branch “Institute of Atomic Energy” RSE NNC RK within the period from October 12 to 14, 2022, XXI R&D Conference-Competition is held for Young Scientists and Specialists […]
Posted: 15.08.2023
On the threshold of the International Day of Antinuclear Test Actions, the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan is inviting everybody to visit the exhibition hall of the Semipalatinsk Test Site history on August 24, 2023. The tour schedule is as follows: from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 o’clock – in Kazakh and Russian, […]
Posted: 27.05.2019
ORGANIZERS OF THE CONFERENCE Republican State Enterprise “National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, RK Ministry of Energy Institute of Atomic Energy Branch of the RSE “National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan” On May 24, 2019, the ХVIII Annual R&D Competition Conference for Young Scientists and Specialists of RSE NNC RK had completed its […]