Posted: 16.05.2018
It became a good tradition to run competitions of scientific works among the young specialists of the National Nuclear Center of RK. From one year to another the interest grows among the participants to obtain reward in fundamental, applied, engineering and technical area of the competition. In total from the 16th to the 18th of […]
Posted: 09.11.2022
To become familiar with the scientific and production basis, analytical measurement procedures and establish long-term mutually advantageous relations, a scientific officer from the laboratory of plant biology and biotechnology of the NJSC ‘S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University, Valentina Nikolayeva, paid a visit to the branch on November 8, 2022. In the course of the […]
Posted: 28.12.2022
On December 23 and 24, 2022 Alikhan Bokeikhan Semey University held the first regional youth forum entitled ‘TOGETHER! ON THE SAME WAVELENGTH!’. The main forum goals were to find a socially active talented young people, improve occupational and creative competencies, gain useful knowledge and skills of self-fulfilment for the sake of economic, civilian and cultural […]
Posted: 19.09.2018
Between September 11 and 13, 2018 VIII International scientific and practical conference “Semipalatinsk Test Site: Legacy and Prospects for Developing Scientific and Technical Capacity” was held based on RSE “National Nuclear Center”. The conference was dedicated to the two significant events: the 60th anniversary of the branch “Institute of Atomic Energy” and the 25th anniversary […]
Posted: 16.04.2024
The institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology of RSE NNC K congratulates Azhar Zh. Tashekova, a team lead for reference standard development and certification, on the academic title conferred – an associate professor in scientific line 10500 – Biological Sciences.
Posted: 26.08.2020
Branch ‘Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology’ RSE NNC RK continues to make standard samples of a radionuclide and ultimate composition of domestic manufacture. As of today, one more standard sample developed by the Branch enlarged the Register list of the State System for Ensuring Uniform Measurement of the Republic of Kazakhstan. By passing a […]
Posted: 21.06.2022
The International conference ‘Adriatic Biodiversity Protection – AdriBioPro-2022’ was held in Kotor city, Montenegro, June 13 through 15, 2022. As part of the conference, a meeting under the IAEA’s TC Project RER7015 – ‘Enhanced management of coastal zones of the Mediterranean, Black, Caspian and Aral seas using nuclear analytical techniques’ was held. The conference was […]
Posted: 10.06.2020
For the purpose of researches aimed at assessment of radiological state of underground water at the Semipalatinsk Test Site (the STS), a special subdivision was established in the 2010 within the National Nuclear Center of RK. This subdivision was composed of qualified specialists of the ISRE NNC RK – geologists, hydrogeologists, drill rig operators. Technical […]