As part of the work implementation in accordance with the obligations and terms of the Memorandum “Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development of Canada on the in-kind contribution to the noble gas radionuclide monitoring station to strengthen the compliance verification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty” from November 26 to December 6, 2023, the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan was visited by technical specialists from the Swedish company ScientaEnvinet to launch the Sauna II noble gase radionuclide monitoring station.
During the visit, a preparatory and precommissioning work was performed, the main and auxiliary equipment adjusted, detectors and gas chromatograph were calibrated. To train NNC specialists, a theoretical and practicaltraining course on the operation of the Sauna II noble gas radionuclide monitoring station was arranged. Upon completion of the precommissioning work, Swedish specialistsassessed the overall performance of the station and discussed faults detected in the auxiliary equipment.
Currently, the Sauna II noble gas radionuclide monitoring station is operating in the test mode, the stability of thestation’soperating parameters and various technological processesis being overseen.