Posted: 12.07.2021
To execute the Order of E.G. Batyrbekov, the Director General of RSE NNC RK # 155 as of June 29, 2021, the XX Conference-Competition on R&D of Young Scientists and Specialists of the National Nuclear Center of RK will be held on October 6-8, 2021 on the basis of RSE NNC RK in Kurchatov. The […]
Posted: 16.04.2024
The institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology of RSE NNC K congratulates Azhar Zh. Tashekova, a team lead for reference standard development and certification, on the academic title conferred – an associate professor in scientific line 10500 – Biological Sciences.
Posted: 15.08.2024
Any person wishing is kindly invited to visit the exhibition hall of the Semipalatinsk Test Site history on the Welcome Day. Date of event: August 27, 2024 Venue: National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Abai region, Kurchatov town, 2 Beibit Atom Str.) Program: A tour of the exhibition hall, which displays various instruments, […]
Posted: 07.12.2018
Julich Research Center, Germany as part of IAEA technical cooperation invites specialists of the National Nuclear Center and its branches for trainings and fellowships in different areas. The current year is not an exception. Between October 14 and November 16, 2018 an engineer of the ultimate analysis laboratory, Analytical Research Department, branch “Institute of Radiation […]
Posted: 23.02.2024
February 15 through 22, 2024, employees of branch “Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology” V.V. Bozhko, S.P. Levchenko, and A.V. Toporova took part in the workshop to share experience in predicting public and biota radiation exposure in the vicinity of nuclear power facilities and in contaminated areas.
Posted: 24.04.2023
April 14 through 15, 2023 the Kazakhstani branch of the Lomonosov Moscow State University held XVIII International scientific conference for students, graduate students and young scientists ‘Lomonosov – 2023’, which forms a constituent part of the International Youth Scientific Forum ‘Lomonosov – 2023’ held by the Moscow University, dedicated to the role of the fundamental […]
Posted: 19.09.2018
Between September 11 and 13, 2018 VIII International scientific and practical conference “Semipalatinsk Test Site: Legacy and Prospects for Developing Scientific and Technical Capacity” was held based on RSE “National Nuclear Center”. The conference was dedicated to the two significant events: the 60th anniversary of the branch “Institute of Atomic Energy” and the 25th anniversary […]
Posted: 23.01.2024
Congratulations to the head of the cytogenetic research group of the biodosimetric research laboratory of the Branch «Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology» of the RSE NNC RK Kyrmyzy Minkenova on the successful defense of her PhD thesis and wish her not to stop there, strive for success in her activities, high achievements and awards!