Posted: 20.01.2021
In order to identify processes affecting the migration rate of 137Cs, 90Sr, 241Am and others in the ‘soil-plant’ system, staff members of the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology NNC RK conducted a set of simulation vegetation experiments on the basis of the experimental greenhouse. As a result, parameter values were obtained for the accumulation […]
Posted: 08.09.2021
On the first day of the section ‘Radioecology and Medicine’, more than 70 radiobiology and radiation medicine specialists from 8 countries of the near and far abroad (Greece, Belarus, Hungary, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kirgizia, Poland, Turkey etc.) were involved. The section proceeds with traditions and the design of previous conferences. The main output is creation of […]
Posted: 19.09.2018
Between September 11 and 13, 2018 VIII International scientific and practical conference “Semipalatinsk Test Site: Legacy and Prospects for Developing Scientific and Technical Capacity” was held based on RSE “National Nuclear Center”. The conference was dedicated to the two significant events: the 60th anniversary of the branch “Institute of Atomic Energy” and the 25th anniversary […]
Posted: 24.09.2018
September 3 through 7, 2018 Medet Aktayev, an employee of the branch IRSE NNC RK, took part in the annual meeting with IAEA’s experts of the regional group of the Asian Nuclear Safety Network on the issue: “Assessing geotechnical aspects, flooding and radiological effect when deploying nuclear facilities” held in Bangkok city, Tailand. Meeting members […]
Posted: 13.09.2019
In the first day of their working visit, the employees of the Ministry of Association of the Republic of Korea met the management of the RSE NNC RK and visited situation center. Delegates visited the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology and, in particular, the Department for Comprehensive Researches of Ecosystems, Department for Analytical Researches […]
Posted: 23.04.2024
On April 19 and 20, 2024, XIX International scientific conference ‘Lomonosov – 2024’ for students, Master students and young scientists was held by the Kazakhstani branch of the Lomonosov M. V. Moscow State University.
Posted: 22.07.2022
July 18 through 30, 2022 under the international NATO Project SPS985684 ‘Novel biological and physical triage techniques in the event of radiological/nuclear emergencies’, staff members of the IRSE NNC RK’s biodosimetry laboratory are making a scientific visit and taking the fellowship in the laboratory of health care and environmental protection on the premises of the […]
Posted: 24.06.2024
June 17 through 21, 2024, 12th International scientific conference RAD 2024 (XII International conference of radiation, natural sciences, medicine, engineering, technology and ecology) was held in Herceg Novi c. (Montenegro). Over 130 scientists and specialists from 30 countries in radiation physics, computer science, material science, chemistry, medicine, biology and ecology participated in the conference. Ms. […]
Posted: 07.12.2018
Julich Research Center, Germany as part of IAEA technical cooperation invites specialists of the National Nuclear Center and its branches for trainings and fellowships in different areas. The current year is not an exception. Between October 14 and November 16, 2018 an engineer of the ultimate analysis laboratory, Analytical Research Department, branch “Institute of Radiation […]
Posted: 11.09.2020
In order to implement the order by RSE NNC RK № 03-17/05 int. of the 24.01.2020, by the order of Director General №49a of September 11, 2020, the XIX R&D Online Video Contest Conference Between Young Scientists and Specialists of RSE NNC RK will be held by the branch “Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology” […]