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VI International scientific conference (Obninsk c.)
On April 21 and 22, 2023, the Obninsk Institute of Atomic Energy NRNU MIFI held VI International (XIX Regional) scientific conference ‘Technogenic systems and ecological risk’. The area of expertise at the conference traditionally reflected relevant scientific problems related to the study of man-made factors in the human habitat, the assessment of these factors’ impact on man and natural systems, the assurance of environmental safety in the biosphere under conditions of the rapidly developing technical progress, the development of high-technology areas in the industry, pharmaceutics, agricuture, nuclear power engineering and nuclear technologies.
The online conference was attended by a staff member of the branch ‘Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology’ of the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ye.V. Romanenko. The presentation was delivered in the section ‘Man-made and ecological risk. Radiation safety’ of simulation results on the entry of radionuclides into a human body compared to actual public observation data.
A regular participation in scientific conferences promotes the establishment of contacts among institutions, regions and countries, a rise in the proficiency of young scientists, research experience sharing. More than 210 persons from near-and far-abroad countries participated in the conference (Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaidzhan, China and Bangladesh).