INSINUME 2019 VIII international symposium took place in Turkey

In April, 23-26 2019 INSINUME 2019 VIII international symposium dedicated to «in situ» nuclear methods in radioecology took place in Turkey (Kushadasy city). This event was attended by scientists and specialists from different countries of the world, such as France, Portugal, Belgium, Lithuania, Hungary, Turkey, Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and etc.
The branch «Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology» of the RSE NNC RK was represented in symposium by Yulia Baklanova. She presented the report on determining 90Sr and 137Cs radionuclides ratio in the soil cover of the «Experimental Field» test site.
Within the poster presentation section where four more reports of the employees of the Institute were presented, issues of the character of soil and vegetation cover contamination with artificial radionuclides for individual parts of Semipalatinsk Test Site (the STS ) and the adjacent territories were considered. The attendees have shown great interest in the data on development of the method for researching ratios of transuranium radionuclides in soil of the main testing sites of the STS.
In general, within the frame of symposium the newest technological achievements for the methods of detection of low radioactivity levels were demonstrated including gamma-spectrometry methods, «in situ» measurement methods, continuous monitoring system and other analytical developments by Canberra (USA) and АТОМТЕХ (Belarus).
In their reports the attendees of symposium have presented results of scientific researches using the methods of assessment of natural and artificial radionuclides concentrations in soil, bottom sediments and plants, formation of biota and human exposure doses, as well as the ways to reduce them. Also the issues of environmental protection against potential impact of «Akkuyu» NPP being constructed in the southern coast of Turkey were considered.