XXIII International Scientific Symposium “Problems of Radioecology and Subsoil Development” held in Tomsk Polytechnic University
On April 8-12, 2019 there was XXIII Academician M.A. Usov Scientific Symposium for Students and Young Scientists “Problems of Radioecology and Subsoil Development”, held in the Tomsk National Research Polytechnic University based on the Engineering school of natural resources dedicated to the 120th anniversary since the date academician К.I. Satpayev and professor K.V. Radugin were born.
The symposium program included 19 breakup groups in various scientific fields where over 200 oral presentations were delivered by specialists and young scientists from different countries of the world. On behalf of the branch “Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology” RSE NNC RK a young staff member Olesya Marchenko in the breakup group “Geoecology and Environmental Protection” reported on the subject “Levels of tritium content as НТО and НТ in the air environment of “Degelen” testing area of the former Semipalatinsk Test Site”. Based on contest outputs Olesya Marchenko was awarded a degree I diploma for the best presentation in this breakup group.