The conference “Modern problems of radiobiology, radioecology and agroecology” was held in Obninsk

October 3 through 4, 2019 in Obninsk city, Russia, the International conference for young scientists ‘Current problems in radiobiology, radioecology and agroecoogy’, arranged by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution ‘All-Russian Scientific and Research Technical Institute of Radioecology and Agroecology’ (FSBSI VNIIRAE) was held.
Issues of up-to-date achievements in the field of radiation biology, radioecology, agroecology, man-made and agrogenic soil contamination, nuclear and physical research and technologies in agriculture and food industry, mathematic simulation and digital technologies were addressed.
On behalf of the branch ‘Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology’ RSE NNC RK, the conference were attended by the head of laboratory of experimental research into transfer mechanisms, Department of Development of Environmental Monitoring Systems (DDEMS) А.К. Aidarkhanova and the head of monitoring research laboratory, DDEMS М.R. Aktayev. In the area of ‘Radioecology’ А.К. Aidarkhanova delivered an oral presentation on the subject ‘Current levels of radionuclide contamination in natural lakes in the territory of Semipalatinsk Test Site’, and by М.R. Aktayev – ‘Monitoring of surface and ground water in the territory of Semipalatinsk Test Site’. Following the conference, a presentation by М.R. Aktayev was noted to be the best at the ‘Radioecology’ breakout session and the author was awarded the respective certificate.