In the final of “100 new persons of Kazakhstan”

Congratulations to the branch head Sergei Lukashenko on getting into the final on “100 new persons of Kazakhstan” project!
The project was initiated by the head of the state N.A. Nazarbayev as part of the public awareness improvement program as well as in order to draw attention of the society to the history of contemporaries. The purpose and criterion in selecting entries on the project “100 new persons of Kazakhstan – success story” was the choice of the worthiest citizens who had made a significant contribution to the development of sovereign Kazakhstan. Following nation-wide voting, Sergei Lukashenko was among 100 winners of the above project. The finalist is presented under the heading “Science”. On December 1, there was a forum of project winners held in Astana city involving the Head of the State where Nursultan Nazarbayev congratulated contestants and noted uniqueness of each project member. President is certain that it is these people who will set a great example for the oncoming generation.