Posted: 20.02.2019
The association “Nuclear Society of Kazakhstan” annually organizes the workshop “Nuclear Capacity of Kazakhstan” for young scientists of nuclear enterprises. On February 18-19, 2019 XV Workshop “Nuclear Capacity of Kazakhstan” for young scientists took place in Almaty city as part of II Congress of Veterans of the RK Atomic Silence, Energy and Industry. Upon invitation […]
Posted: 07.09.2020
This year the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology of the RSE NNC RK arranged a traditional event of donation of books of «Topical Issues in Radioecology of Kazakhstan» series. Six issues of books in three languages were gifted to the Centralized City Library and the branch of the Republican Scientific and Technical Library in […]
Posted: 15.04.2020
On his birthday, one of the oldest front line veterans of Kurchatov city receives congratulations. Representatives of the branch «Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology» of the RSE «NNC RK» expressed their sincere gratitude for the feat of arms he performed in the war time and Valorous Labour in peaceful time. They wished him good […]
Posted: 26.08.2019
At August 19-23 International Atomic Energy Agency (the IAEA) held the regional training course on assessment of radioecological impact of environment resulting from use of radioactively-contaminated objects of uranium legacy. The training was arranged at the territory of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan within the frame of «Support for creating workforce capacity for development and implementation […]
Posted: 20.09.2019
On September 19, 2019 there was III Scientific and technical conference for young scientists ‘Youth. Science. Innovations’ held in Ust-Kamenogorsk city, exhibition and information center of Ulba ironworks. The conference was attended by scientists and specialists from different enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan such as JSC ‘Ulba ironworks’, ‘Inkay’ Ltd, ‘Mashzavod’ Ltd, ‘Kaztsink’ Ltd. […]
Posted: 04.10.2022
Between September 12 and 16, 2022 under the cooperation between the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NNC RK) and the Japanese Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), the online annual training course ‘Nuclear and Radiological Emergency preparedness’ was held. The purpose was to give attendees basic ideas of timely and efficient response measures in […]
Posted: 11.10.2019
October 7 through 10, 2019 Oxana Laykhova, the staff member of the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology, National Nuclear Center RK (IRSE NNC RK) attended the workshop ‘Research into climatic changes using nuclear and isotopic techniques’ which was held in Kyoto city, Japan as part of the Forum of Nuclear Cooperation in Asia (FNCA) […]
Posted: 10.11.2023
Under the implementation of IRN Project AP19576259 ‘Ecological assessment of small rivers as an indicator of the geosystem transformation of mining regions in the East Kazakhstan’, engineers from the elemental analysis laboratory, the Monitoring, Ecological and Analytical Research Department (MEARD) V.V. Kolbin and Ye.Z. Shakenov completed the staff development course ‘Application Basics of the inductively […]
Posted: 10.02.2020
At the 7th of February, 2020 the «Relevant Humor» KVN-2020 game for the cup of Director General of the NNC RK between the branches of the NNC RK and city organizations was arranged in the cultural center of Kurchatov city. Teams of the branches «Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology» (IRSE), «Institute of Atomic Energy» […]