Posted: 11.09.2020
In order to implement the order by RSE NNC RK № 03-17/05 int. of the 24.01.2020, by the order of Director General №49a of September 11, 2020, the XIX R&D Online Video Contest Conference Between Young Scientists and Specialists of RSE NNC RK will be held by the branch “Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology” […]
Posted: 27.04.2018
IAEA’s course attendees April 16 through April 27, 2018 staff members of the branch “IRSE” NNC RK Andrey Panitsky and Vladimir Kashirsky attended the fourth regional IAEA’s course “Planning, implementation and management of environmental rehabilitation projects” (Regional Training Course 4 on Planning, Implementation and Management of Environmental Remediation Projects), that took place in the Technical […]
Posted: 12.06.2017
Between May 29 and June 2, 2017 the International ENVIRA 2017 Conference on Environmental Radioactivity was held in Vilnius city, Lithuania, which was organized by the Center of Physical Sciences and Technologies. New scientific knowledge on applications of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides and isotopes was presented at the conference in researching into terrestrial (atmosphere, hydrosphere, […]
Posted: 11.03.2020
As per established practice, the employees of the Branch «Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology» of the NNC RK, who took further education course, share the gained knowledge with their colleagues. This time, engineers A. Toporova and R. Rolanuly, trained in «Republican Academy of Technical Regulation, Standardization, Certification and Metrology» LLP (Nur-Sultan city), arranged «Practical […]
Posted: 06.11.2020
On November 5 and 6, 2020 an online workshop is being held as part of the Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia (FNCA) in the field of peaceful use of nuclear technologies. The Forum is dedicated to research into climatic changes, which is undertaken all over the world using isotope techniques. This plays an important […]
Posted: 06.09.2017
September 3 through 5, a delegation from the Czech Republic paid a visit to the National Nuclear Center and its branch “Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology” under the program of a stay in the Republic of Kazakhstan. On the delegation, there were representatives from the most prestigious Czech state and private institutions and companies […]
Posted: 05.11.2020
Currently between November, 2nd and November, 6th 2020 the IAEA is being conducting an online training course on isotopic hydrology within the frame of RER7013 project «Assessment of resources of subsurface water and its exchange with surface water objects and contribution to the change of climate. Representatives of 25 different organizations have been successfully using […]
Posted: 13.11.2019
Currently, a workshop ‘Risk management. ISO 31000’ arranged by the ‘Republican Academy for Technical Regulation, Standardization, Certification and Metrology’ is being held in Nur-Sultan city November 12 through 14, 2019. Training is provided by an auditor and expert of the State System of Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Orlova. A […]
Posted: 03.10.2023
As part of Grant Funding Project АР14869391 of MES RK ‘Research into the redistribution of tritium in the main components of steppe ecosystems under arid conditions of Kazakhstan’, Ms. Lyubov Timonova participated in the International scientific conference on environmental radioactivity ENVIRA-2023 (Seville, Spain) September 17 through 22, 2023 having spoken on ‘Contamination of STS soil […]