Establishing cooperation with the Czech Republic

September 3 through 5, a delegation from the Czech Republic paid a visit to the National Nuclear Center and its branch “Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology” under the program of a stay in the Republic of Kazakhstan. On the delegation, there were representatives from the most prestigious Czech state and private institutions and companies working in the field of nuclear power engineering. That was the first official delegation from the Czech Republic to NNC in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Guests visited the museum of Semipalatinsk Test Site and thanked for the interesting excursion. For closer familiarization with Institute’s activities, an excursion was conducted in Laboratory Building 27. A fact-finding tour was also arranged for Czech representatives to the ground zero of the first nuclear explosion and the “farm enterprise” on the “Experimental Field” ground of Semipalatinsk Test Site, to the test facility Tokamak КТМ and RRC “Baikal – 1”.
Projects for further cooperation between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Czech Republic were discussed at technical meetings in the field of peaceful use of atomic energy, uranium industry, nuclear medicine. The delegation head, Zdenek Zbytek showed a strong interest in establishing close cooperation with the Republic of Kazakhstan and the National Nuclear Center.