Posted: 10.12.2020
Between December 7 and 11, 2020, another online training for specialists in charge of radiation safety assurance and radiological monitoring (Group A personnel) is held in the Training and Information Center of the branch ‘Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology’ RSE ‘National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan (IRSE NNC RK) on the subject: […]
Posted: 28.07.2020
One way to control the content of the content of radionuclides in water – radioecological monitoring of aquatic medium. The most important and integral part of the monitoring is to determine local ‘background’ concentrations of radionuclides. Comparison of radiation measurements with determinations of background values allows to establish adverse tendencies in changes of environmental quality, […]
Posted: 04.10.2018
October 1 through 4, for the purpose of popularizing the science, innovative technologies and technical education, raising ecological competence and reducing radiophobia level as well as disseminating basic knowledge and forming a positive attitude towards the atomic branch, there are meetings for schoolchildren in different places of Ust-Kamenogorsk city arranged by joint efforts of the […]
Posted: 08.11.2018
On November 8, 2018 as part of projects implementation according to the IAEA technical cooperation program, the National Nuclear Center RK was visited by an IAEA Technical Cooperation Department representative, Katherina Deufrains. The main objective of the visit were issues concerning implementation of national projects under IAEA TC whereby the work in the National Nuclear […]
Posted: 06.12.2017
Between November 30 and December 1, 2017 a youth round-table discussion “Current problems in radiobiology and radioecology” was held within the framework of XLVI international radioecology readings dedicated to incumbent member of the Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences (VASHNIL) V.M. Klechkovsky in Obninsk city, RF, in the federal state budgetary scientific institution “All-Russian Scientific […]
Posted: 08.06.2023
May 29 through June 2, 2023, the Greek Marine Research Center in Anavyssos c., Greece, hosted the International conference on radiation application ‘RAP-2023’. The conference goal was to provide researchers and specialists engaged in application matters of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation and in other related fields with an opportunity to share and discuss their findings […]
Posted: 02.09.2019
On September 28-29, 2019 the employees of the Department for Comprehensive Studies of Ecosystems of the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology of the NNC RK – Head of EBR group, Candidate of Medical Sciences, L.B. Kenzhina and specialist A.O. Kenesarina took part in annual XIV «Environment. Radiation. Health» International Research and Practical Conference, housed […]
Posted: 13.05.2019
From May 5 to 10, 2019 staff members the Department of Comprehensive Ecosystem research, Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology NNC RK – head of EBR (epidemiologic and biodosimetric research) team, Candidate of Medical Sciences L.B. Kenzhina and specialist A.O. Kenessarina participated in the regional scientific and practical workshop “Medical rreparedness and response to radiological […]
Posted: 05.10.2022
In accordance with the Order of the Director General of RSE NNC RK E.G. Batyrbekov No.03-07/44 ext. as of 2022/02/22, in Kurchatov town at the base of the branch “Institute of Atomic Energy” RSE NNC RK within the period from October 12 to 14, 2022, XXI R&D Conference-Competition is held for Young Scientists and Specialists […]
Posted: 26.08.2020
Branch ‘Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology’ RSE NNC RK continues to make standard samples of a radionuclide and ultimate composition of domestic manufacture. As of today, one more standard sample developed by the Branch enlarged the Register list of the State System for Ensuring Uniform Measurement of the Republic of Kazakhstan. By passing a […]