Posted: 26.11.2024
By the order of the chairperson of the Education Quality Committee under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of RK No. 1081 dated 11/19/2024, an academic title – associated professor, was awarded to the biodosimetric laboratory chief of the branch office «Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology» of RSE NNC RK Laura B. Kenzhina […]
Posted: 05.11.2019
From 2010 onwards, the branch ‘Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology’ (IRSE) has regularly worked on preparation and issue of scientific publications entitled ‘Topical issues in radioecology of Kazakhstan’. As of today, those are now 6 issues published in three languages (Russian, Kazakh, English). At all times, the book was and is the best […]
Posted: 07.04.2020
One of the priorities in Institute’s activities is research into the radiological situation of the former Semipalatinsk Test Site. Preparatory measures are annually taken for implementing the work planned before the field season starts. These consist in defining the amount of sampling, planning visits, preparing equipment and instruments. It is worth noting, however insignificant this […]
Posted: 14.10.2019
October 7 through 11, 2019 the British Center of Nuclear and Electric Power in Dounreay located 9 miles from Thurso city (Great Britain) with support of IAEA hosted a technical meeting ‘Strategy and tools to determine characteristics of land contamination’. Currently, Dounreay that includes fast-neutron nuclear and electric power facilities is acknowledged to be one […]
Posted: 11.09.2020
In order to implement the order by RSE NNC RK № 03-17/05 int. of the 24.01.2020, by the order of Director General №49a of September 11, 2020, the XIX R&D Online Video Contest Conference Between Young Scientists and Specialists of RSE NNC RK will be held by the branch “Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology” […]
Posted: 08.11.2019
Between October 16 and 18, 2019 there was a coordination meeting held in Switzerland (Schwarzenburg) involving representatives from ALMERA network analytical laboratories. The event was held on the basis of the Institute of population protection from nuclear, biological and chemical threats and hazards (Spiez Laboratory) supported by IAEA. During the meeting, results of annual proficiency […]
Posted: 05.11.2020
Currently between November, 2nd and November, 6th 2020 the IAEA is being conducting an online training course on isotopic hydrology within the frame of RER7013 project «Assessment of resources of subsurface water and its exchange with surface water objects and contribution to the change of climate. Representatives of 25 different organizations have been successfully using […]
Posted: 21.02.2018
February 15 through 16, 2018 there was a round-table discussion “Problems in rational nature management, ecology, land cadastral valuation and monitoring” held in Barnaul city, RF, in Altai State Agrarian University under XIII international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Altai State Agrarian University. Upon invitation of organizers, the event was […]
Posted: 01.02.2020
On the 31st of January in the city cultural center the project «Excursion to the Semipalatinsk Test Site» was demonstrated. The employees of the branch «Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology» of the RSE NNC RK provided information on the history of Semipalatinsk Test Site (STS) and current radioecological state of the STS. The visitors […]