- basketball – IRSE team;
- indoor football – IAE team;
- individual badminton championship – V. Solomonov;
- quick chess – Ye. Mishchenko, A. Mikisha, S. Kravtsov;
Staff members of the National Nuclear Center RK celebrated “Atomic Worker’s Day”

On September 27, 2019 staff members of the National Nuclear Center RK celebrated a professional holiday ‘Atomic Worker’s Day’. Celebration began with a solemn meeting at which staff members of different branches of the National Nuclear Center RK were awarded certificates of merit and letters of appreciation.
After the solemn meeting jointly with the mayor administration of Kurchatov city, the inauguration of a memorial plaque took place in honour of the first Director General of RSE NNC RK, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Gadlet Andiyarovich Batyrbekov. The memorial plaque was set up on the face of ‘Baikal’ building – the former main building of the National Nuclear Center in which Gadlet Andiyarovich worked at one time.
In the evening there was a banquet arranged on the premises of ‘Mayak’ hotel for NNC RK staff members at which professional artists were doing their numbers of amateur talent activities as well as colleagues from each branch performed a touching impromptu festive song to the tune of ‘Completing the circle’.
To commemorate this holiday, basketball, indoor football, badminton, quick chess competitions were held among RSE NNC RK staff members. Winners were awarded diplomas and valuable prices. Competition winners: