Home›News›Staff members of the branch “Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology” participated in the XV International Conference “Lomonosov-2019”
Staff members of the branch “Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology” participated in the XV International Conference “Lomonosov-2019”
Between April 16 and 17, 2019, staff members of the “Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology” RSE NNC RK A.O. Kenessarina, Yu.A. Shakenova, A.Ye. Zhiyenbekova took part in XV International Student, Master’s Student and Young Scientist Conference “Lomonosov-2019” in the city of Nur-Sultan dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the historical speech delivered by the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.А. Nazarbayev in M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University as part of the International Scientific Youth “Lomonosov-2019” held by the Moscow University.
The objective of the conference is to develop creative activities of students, Master’s students and young scientists, their involvement in solving topical tasks of modern science as well as to assist in development of educational and scientific communication between beginning researchers of Russia and Kazakhstan.
The major focus areas of the conference are aimed at comprehending the development of Eurasian concept from the perspective of up-to-date achievements in scientific ideas and practice of Eurasian cooperation.
Staff members were in proceedings of one of the conference breakup groups – “Regional Environmental Problems: up-to-date methods and approaches” which 57 participants took part in from 13 cities and regions of Kazakhstan. Based on conference outputs, А.О. Kenessarina who took the winning place was awarded a diploma and degree III medal.