An online meeting was held on the International Day against Nuclear Tests

On the 3rd of September, 2020 at 4.00 p.m. an online meeting dedicated to the International Day Against Nuclear Tests took place. The event was arranged by Kazakhstan American Corners. The employees of Training and Information Center, Omarkhanova A.O. and Kairzhanov A.E. represented the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology of the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan. They took the floor with the report «Semipalatinsk Test Site. History and Present State». During presentation, they demonstrated the interactive map of the Semipalatinsk Test Site (archive photo and video materials, maps of radionuclides distribution, virtual panoramas, extracts from official sources and scientific works). Speakers from different regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan also took the floor.
In course of «History. Progress. Challenges. Consequences of Nuclear Tests in the World» online-meeting, issues of nuclear weapons in the world were discussed.
Upon the results, organizers of the online-conference highly praised the high level of the report, prepared by the employees of the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology of the RSE NNC RK.