May 16 through 20, 2022, as part of the regional IAEA technical cooperation project RER7013 ‘Assessment of ground water resources and interaction of ground and surface waters in the context of adaptation to climatic changes’, a regional coordination meeting was held in Krakow (Poland) attended by an engineer of the Department for the Development of Environmental Monitoring Systems, T. Toktaganov on behalf of the branch ‘Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology’ RSE NNC RK. The event was held at the AGH (Mining and Smelting Academy) State University of Science and Technologies.
The meeting’s purpose was to address the work plan and project progress, gain theoretical knowledge in the field of isotope hydrology and experience sharing with advanced world laboratories in issues of isotope ratio analysis for aquatic medium and data interpretation. As part of this meeting, outputs on the work in progress at the Syrdarya river jointly with colleagues from the Republic of Tadjikistan were reported. In the course of the work, source data on the isotopic composition of water of the Syrdarya river, its tributaries and the Aral Sea was obtained. A comparative analysis of the isotopic water composition of the Syrdarya from its head (the territory of the Republic of Tadjikistan) to the inflow into the Aral Sea (the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan) was carried out.
It is worth mentioning that, in the course of the meeting, a decision was made to include the Republic of Uzbekistan in the study of the Syrdarya, which is flowing through its territory. Agreements on scientific cooperation with Hungarian and Croatian specialists were also made.