Practical training for Moscow State University students

Branch “Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology” RSE NNC RK arranges on-the-job-trainings, pregraduation practical trainings on a contractual basis not only for students of Kazakhstani educational institutions but also for those from CIS countries.
As part of the contract concluded with M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University between June 1 and July 12, 2018 the Analytical Research Department organized on-the-job-training for a fifth-year student Aleksandra Rozhkova majoring in Radiochemistry. To be introduced to the branch activities, its scientific and production basis, measurement procedures, to establish lasting mutually beneficial relations, an academic adviser, a leading staff scientist of Lomonosov Moscow State University Natalya Kuzmenkova arrived together with her student. Fact-finding tours were arranged to laboratory buildings of the Institute, reactors Tokamak KTM and IGR as well as to the STS museum, on-site tours to the “Experimental Field” and the “Atomic Lake” sites.
The return event on the part of Russian scientists were presentations by Candidate of Geographical Sciences Natalya Kuzmenkova entitled “Radiochemistry in Moscow State University”. All those wishing were provided with an opportunity to attend the workshop.
The guests were sincerely grateful to organizers for giving such a warm welcome, an opportunity to see a unique Semipalatinsk Test Site and its sites from the perspective of the atomic energy, the introduction to reactors in person.