Posted: 05.11.2020
Currently between November, 2nd and November, 6th 2020 the IAEA is being conducting an online training course on isotopic hydrology within the frame of RER7013 project «Assessment of resources of subsurface water and its exchange with surface water objects and contribution to the change of climate. Representatives of 25 different organizations have been successfully using […]
Posted: 06.03.2023
Under the implementation of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) technical cooperation projects (TC), this March 1 and 2, Aleksey Katukhov, a project management officer from the IAEA Technical Cooperation Department, paid a visit to the National Nuclear Center RK. The purpose of the visit was to discuss implementation issues of national IAEA TC projects, […]
Posted: 16.05.2018
It became a good tradition to run competitions of scientific works among the young specialists of the National Nuclear Center of RK. From one year to another the interest grows among the participants to obtain reward in fundamental, applied, engineering and technical area of the competition. In total from the 16th to the 18th of […]
Posted: 01.09.2022
On August 24 through 26, 2022, III International scientific and practical conference ‘The role of female scientists in the development of science, innovations and technologies’ was held in Gulistan city (Sogdiyskaya region, Tadzhikistan) arranged by the National Agency for Chemical, Biological, Radiation and Nuclear Safety of the Tadzhikistan National Academy of Sciences, the International Science […]
Posted: 23.02.2018
On February 21, 2018 in order to inform the young generation of the history and features of their native land as well as introduce them to the National Nuclear Center and its activities, a meeting took place between senior pupils of Kurchatov’s school 4 and young scientists of RSE “National Nuclear Center of the Republic […]
Posted: 28.05.2020
One commercial focus area in the branch Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology’ NNC RK is provision of individual dosimetric control (IDC) services. The equipment available in the branch allows the determination of individual doses from external beta-, gamma-, X-rays and neutron radiation both for the entire bodyя and for individual organs and tissues (hands, […]
Posted: 30.09.2019
On September 27, 2019 staff members of the National Nuclear Center RK celebrated a professional holiday ‘Atomic Worker’s Day’. Celebration began with a solemn meeting at which staff members of different branches of the National Nuclear Center RK were awarded certificates of merit and letters of appreciation. After the solemn meeting jointly with the mayor […]
Posted: 14.10.2019
On September 7th– 11th, 2019 «Technologies of X-ray visualization of cultural legacy objects» training courses were held in Servia (Belgrade). The course was hosted by «Vinchi» Institute of Nuclear Researches in Belgrade, in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency. The agenda included the issues in maintenance (restoration, conservation and etc.) and study of cultural […]
Posted: 09.02.2021
Under the IAEA Technical Cooperation Project KAZ9014 ‘Scientific and technical support of activities on the release of land of the former Semipalatinsk Test Site to economic use, the branch IRSE RSE NNC RK has received an oxygen combustion vessel 1121 manufactured by Parr Instrument. This February an online workshop on the adjustment and a test […]
Posted: 23.04.2024
On April 19 and 20, 2024, XIX International scientific conference ‘Lomonosov – 2024’ for students, Master students and young scientists was held by the Kazakhstani branch of the Lomonosov M. V. Moscow State University.