Posted: 15.02.2021
Within the frame of the project IAEA RER7015 – «Improvement of Management of Shore Lands of Mediterranean, Black, Caspian and Aral Seas Using Nuclear Methods of Analysis» an online meeting took place on the 11th of February of this year. A.K. Aidarkhanova, Head of the Laboratory for Experimental Researches of Transfer Mechanisms of the Department […]
Posted: 03.10.2023
As part of Grant Funding Project АР14869391 of MES RK ‘Research into the redistribution of tritium in the main components of steppe ecosystems under arid conditions of Kazakhstan’, Ms. Lyubov Timonova participated in the International scientific conference on environmental radioactivity ENVIRA-2023 (Seville, Spain) September 17 through 22, 2023 having spoken on ‘Contamination of STS soil […]
Posted: 14.10.2019
On September 7th– 11th, 2019 «Technologies of X-ray visualization of cultural legacy objects» training courses were held in Servia (Belgrade). The course was hosted by «Vinchi» Institute of Nuclear Researches in Belgrade, in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency. The agenda included the issues in maintenance (restoration, conservation and etc.) and study of cultural […]
Posted: 27.03.2023
In accordance with the Order of the Acting Director General of RSE NNC RK, S.S. Lokshtanov No.63 as of 13.03.2023, in Kurchatov at the base of Institute of Geophysical Research RSE NNC RK branch within the period from May 30 to June 1, 2023, XXII R&D Competition-Conference for Young Scientists and Specialists of the National […]
Posted: 23.04.2024
On April 19 and 20, 2024, XIX International scientific conference ‘Lomonosov – 2024’ for students, Master students and young scientists was held by the Kazakhstani branch of the Lomonosov M. V. Moscow State University.
Posted: 20.01.2021
In order to identify processes affecting the migration rate of 137Cs, 90Sr, 241Am and others in the ‘soil-plant’ system, staff members of the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology NNC RK conducted a set of simulation vegetation experiments on the basis of the experimental greenhouse. As a result, parameter values were obtained for the accumulation […]
Posted: 23.01.2024
From 2020 to 2023, as part of the «Science for Peace and Security», the Branch of the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology of the NNC RK implemented the international scientific grant project NATO No. SPS985684 «New biological and physical triage methods in radiological emergencies» (BioPhyMeTRE).
Posted: 14.11.2019
November 7 through 9, 2019 there was IX International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Topical issues in uranium industry’ held in Almaty. А. Shatrov, L. Kenzhina, P. Krivitsky, Zh. Tleukanova, M. Aktayev participated in conference proceedings on behalf of the branch IRSE NNC RK. The subject matter of the conference were topical issues in cost-effective use […]