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The first International training conference «Atom. Science. Technologies»
Between 14th and 16th of April of this year the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan was hosting the first International training conference «Atom. Science. Technologies», dedicated to the Day of Science of Kazakhstan. Leading Kazakhstani and foreign scientists were involved to hold the training conference for young scientists and specialists to familiarize them with the latest results of scientific research on the conference subject, to discuss the progress and results of research conducted by young scientists. The conference was attended by 76 people from 17 specialized companies from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Russia. The Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology of the NNC RK was represented in this event by Yuri Artamonov, engineer of the Department for Radioecological Research and Ecosystems Restoration who delivered his presentation titled «Complex method of 3D characterization of radioactive contamination» and Berikkhan Kayirzhan, technician of the Department for Analytical Research with his presentation titled «Determining total alpha-, beta- activity in water using liquid –scintillation spectrometry method».
The conference was held online. Within the frame of the event, 64 presentations in the following sections were delivered: Nuclear Physics, Material Engineering and Technologies for Novel Materials, Radiation Ecology and Methods of Analysis, Physics and Technologies of Nuclear Reactors, Nuclear and Radiation Technologies in Medicine, Industry and Agriculture.