IAEA’s course “Planning, implementation and management of environmental rehabilitation projects”

IAEA’s course attendees
April 16 through April 27, 2018 staff members of the branch “IRSE” NNC RK Andrey Panitsky and Vladimir Kashirsky attended the fourth regional IAEA’s course “Planning, implementation and management of environmental rehabilitation projects” (Regional Training Course 4 on Planning, Implementation and Management of Environmental Remediation Projects), that took place in the Technical Rosatom Academy in Obninsk city, Russia.
In the course of the training our specialists mastered on planning and management of remediation projects. This course provided for a highly informative practical work during which some conceptual models were designed for sites that required remediation activities, plans were developed for managing remediation projects on real facilities of uranium mining industry and discussions were held with colleagues from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tadzhikistan, Kirgizia and Russia on the subject of remediation in territories contaminated with radionuclides.
Information acquired during the regional course is of use in the light of rehabilitation operations planned for individual areas of STS and for expert evaluation of projects on tailing dump remediation in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Following the training IAEA’s certificates were handed over to А. Panitsky and V. Kashirsky.