Home›Conferences›Competition Conference for the young scientists and specialists, 16th-18th of May 16th of May, 2018
Competition Conference for the young scientists and specialists, 16th-18th of May 16th of May, 2018
It became a good tradition to run competitions of scientific works among the young specialists of the National Nuclear Center of RK. From one year to another the interest grows among the participants to obtain reward in fundamental, applied, engineering and technical area of the competition.
In total from the 16th to the 18th of May 43 competitors took part in the competition. These competitors were not only the National Nuclear Center of RK but also young scientists and specialists from the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Institute of Geophysical Researches, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, D. Serikbayev East-Kazakhstan State Technical University, S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University and Semey State University named after Shakarim (Semey) have submitted their works for considering by the competent juri.
In course of three-day conference the participants were not only defending their competitive projects, but also they obtained new experience in leading scholarly dispute and shared collected experience.
Young scientists and specialists are also attracted to take part in the R&D Conference by informal and friendly format of the conference and, of course by interesting leisure programme.
This year upon the results of the competition, six participants took top places, four more young scientists got prize for the best formulation, originality of work, active participation in the competition and extraordinary declamatory skills. In the last day of the conference the participants were awarded on 15 additional nominations, that became a good surprise for them.
Works of all the participants will be published in the journal «Bulletin of the NNC RK».
Winners of the XVII R&D Competition Conference for the young scientists and specialists of the NNC RK are:
1st place
Pavel Yevgenievich Krivitskiy , engineer of the Department of Radioecological Studies and Ecosystems Restoration of the Branch «Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology» for the work called «Development of the technique for rehabilitation of radioactively contaminated objects at «Sary-Uzen» site» — applied researches.
2nd place
Olga Sergeyevna Bukina, engineer of the Laboratory for Testing Constructional and Fuel Materials of the Department for Engineering Tests of the branch «Institute of Atomic Energy» of the RSE NNC RK for the work called «X-ray diffractionoal research of graphite in LEU-fuel of IGR reactor» — engineering and technical researches.
Zhanna Yersynovna Zhapasheva, engineer of the Department for Development of Environmental Monitoring Systems of the branch « Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology» of the RSE NNC RK for the work called «Determining Speciations of Artificial Radionuclides in the Surface Waters of the STS Using Cascade Filtration Method » — applied researches.
3rd place
Kuanysh Kanatuly Samarkhanov, Engineer of the Laboratory for Intrachannel Tests of the Department for Materials Engineering of the branch «Institute of Atomic Energy» of the RSE NNC RK for the work called «Studying Conversion of Nuclear Reaction Energy Into Optical Emission Energy» — fundamental researches.
Alexey Dmitrievich Grechanik, junior research associate of the Laboratory for Testing Constructional and Fuel Materials of the Department for Materials Engineering Tests of the branch Institute of Atomic Energy» of the RSE NNC RK for the work called «Results of Experimental Modeling Interaction Between the Molten Core and the inner materials in case of severe accident at the BWR.» — applied researches.
Lyaila Kalkynovna Zhagiparova, 2nd category engineer of the Laboratory for Testing Reactor Fuel of the Department for Development and Testing Reactor Facilities of the branch «Institute of Atomic Energy» of the RSE NNC RK for the work called «Estimation of Neutron-Physical Characteristics of the Experimental Device.» — applied researches.