Book exhibition on the topic ‘Radioecological state and environmental protection’

On March 5, 2020 a book exhibition was held in the library of the branch ‘Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology’ RSE NNC RK on the topic: ‘Radioecological state and environmental protection’.
The scientific and technical activity of the branch is closely related to such scientific areas as radioecology, radiochemistry, radiobiology, pedology, environmental monitoring etc.
In publications of the exhibition, up-to-date analytical procedures for different components and air, soil contamination were presented, which are approved by the International Standardization organization (ISO) as well as for basic physics in radioecology, dosimetry, background on the radioecological situation in different regions, radiation and health certification of institutions, territories and radioecological monitoring.
Books, handbooks presented at the exhibition will be of sue to specialists, researchers working with radioactive substances, isotopes, ionizing radiation and in technical areas, in the field of environmental protection, to students of higher institutions who major in radioecology, radiobiology and radiochemistry.
You can familiarize yourselves with exhibition materials in the reading hall of the library. The exhibition will continue until the end of March.