Posted: 11.12.2020
Pandemic and quarantine are not a hindrance for staff development. Between December 7 and 11, IAEA is holding a course on training of political skills, strategy and regulation of nuclear facility decommissioning projects and environmental rehabilitation. Training is provided on a cloud platform Cisco Webex. Over 35 specialists from near and far abroad are attending […]
Posted: 25.06.2020
Every year the number of X-ray examinations increases, therefore, the issue of the quality of research to be undertaken is becoming more pressing. Research mostly depends on how correctly the X-ray diagnostic equipment is adjusted and operates. Any malfunction in the X-ray diagnostic equipment directly affects an increase in patient doses. According to regulatory requirements […]
Posted: 21.02.2018
February 15 through 16, 2018 there was a round-table discussion “Problems in rational nature management, ecology, land cadastral valuation and monitoring” held in Barnaul city, RF, in Altai State Agrarian University under XIII international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Altai State Agrarian University. Upon invitation of organizers, the event was […]
Posted: 29.04.2024
All those wishing are kindly invited by the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Welcome Day hosted on May 17, 2024. The program provides a tour to the exhibition hall of the STS history. Tour schedule: 00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. (in Kazakh); 00 a.m. to 12.00 o’clock (in Russian); 00 […]
Posted: 19.03.2024
The Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology of RSE NNC RK proudly congratulates a deputy head of the Monitoring, Ecological and Analytical Department, Madina T. Dyusembayeva on the academic title awarded – associate professor in scientific field 10500 – Biological Sciences.
Posted: 29.09.2023
On September 26, as part of 67th IAEA General Conference held in Vienna, Austria (September 25 through 29), a side event ‘Remediation of the former Semipalatinsk Test Site: 30 years of IAEA assistance’ was intended to highlight the contribution by IAEA made for Kazakhstan to securing Semipalatinsk Test Site and demonstrate advances through the international […]
Posted: 26.08.2019
At August 19-23 International Atomic Energy Agency (the IAEA) held the regional training course on assessment of radioecological impact of environment resulting from use of radioactively-contaminated objects of uranium legacy. The training was arranged at the territory of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan within the frame of «Support for creating workforce capacity for development and implementation […]
Posted: 27.10.2022
October 18 through 21, 2022 I International youth conference ‘Genetic and radiation technologies in the agriculture’ was hosted by the federal budget scientific institution ‘All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Radiology and Agroecology’ (FSBSI VNIIRAE) in Obninsk c., the Russian Federation. The conference was attended by staff members of the branch ‘Institute of Radiation Safety and […]
Posted: 13.05.2019
From May 5 to 10, 2019 staff members the Department of Comprehensive Ecosystem research, Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology NNC RK – head of EBR (epidemiologic and biodosimetric research) team, Candidate of Medical Sciences L.B. Kenzhina and specialist A.O. Kenessarina participated in the regional scientific and practical workshop “Medical rreparedness and response to radiological […]