October 16 through 23, 2023 young scientists from the branch ‘IRSE RSE NNC RK, Ms. Ainur Mamyrbayeva and Ms. Rinata Yermakova participated in II International youth conference ‘Genetic and radiation technologies in the agriculture’ (Obninsk c., Russia). The conference was held on the premises of the Federal state budgetary institution ‘All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Radioecology and Agroecology of the National Research Center ‘Kurchatov Institute’ (RC ‘Kurchatov Institute’ – VNIIRAE). In the section ‘Fundamental and applied aspects of radioecology and agroecology’ our staff members delivered oral presentations on the following subjects: ‘Transfer of 239+240Pu to poultry meat at a long-term intake with soils, water and grass meal’ and ‘Research into the vertical distribution of radionuclides in bottom sediments of water bodies of various types in the STS territory’.
Papers by young scientists and specialists from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan were also presented at the conference in the following research fields: genetic farm technologies, radiobiological farm research and radiation farm technologies.