Under the implementation of IRN Project AP19576259 ‘Ecological assessment of small rivers as an indicator of the geosystem transformation of mining regions in the East Kazakhstan’, engineers from the elemental analysis laboratory, the Monitoring, Ecological and Analytical Research Department (MEARD) V.V. Kolbin and Ye.Z. Shakenov completed the staff development course ‘Application Basics of the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry technique’ October 30 through November 3, 2023, and were issued Technical Rosatom Academy certificates of a standard pattern. The course was hosted by ANO of CPE ‘Technical Rosatom Academy’ (Obninsk c., Russia).
A 40-hour program of lectures and exercises addressed design features and operating principles of mass spectrometers, comparisons of different analysis techniques, the assessment of uncertainties, matrix effects, spectral overlays and methods of correction; development of novel practices and certification approaches.
Fundamental knowledge gained in the field of mass spectrometry will expand hands-on experience and capabilities of the applied ICP-MC technique in accomplishing a broad range of tasks, allow becoming familiar with novel approaches in quality improvement and analytical procedure optimization.