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The annual training course «Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Preparedness»
Pursuant to commitments undertaken by the Republican State Enterprise ‘National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan’ (RSE NNC RK) upon the agreement with the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) to train the personnel in the field of peaceful utilization of nuclear energy, April 17 through 21, 2023, an annual training course ‘Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Preparedness’ was held face-to-face involving lecturers and instructors from among the enterprise’s staff members. The trainees’ group included employees from RSE NNC RK and its branches totaling 12 persons. Upon the completion of the training course, a Japanese supervisor Mr. Ohkura Takehisa (a staff member from the Nuclear Human Resource Development Center, JAEA) highly appraised the course arrangement, the level of lecturers’ training and noted that quality theoretical and hands-on knowledge would certainly be applied in the professional activity.