As part of Grant Funding Project АР14869391 of MES RK ‘Research into the redistribution of tritium in the main components of steppe ecosystems under arid conditions of Kazakhstan’, Ms. Lyubov Timonova participated in the International scientific conference on environmental radioactivity ENVIRA-2023 (Seville, Spain) September 17 through 22, 2023 having spoken on ‘Contamination of STS soil with tritium’. The Seville University in cooperation with the National Accelerator Center of Spain, Comenius University Bratislava and Journal of Environmental Radioactivity were the conference organizers.
More than 250 scientific papers were presented at the conference on the following subjects: new tasks in environmental radioactivity research; the latest developments in analytical technologies; advances in environmental radioactivity research; radionuclides as indicators of ecological processes; terrestrial and marine radioactivity; radionuclides in climate change research; simulation of ecological processes; the impact of radionuclides from nuclear facilities on the environment and decommissioning; radioecology advances; standard materials for environmental radioactivity research and others.