Posted: 28.02.2019
On February 28, the 30th anniversary of “Nevada-Semey” antinuclear movement was observed. To commemorate this historical event, the Memorial Day “30 zhyl unsizdik. 30 years of calm” took place in the regional children and youth library. At this event a lot was said about the main reason why this movement began, i.e. about the Semipalatinsk […]
Posted: 07.08.2020
The International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) is an intergovernmental organization that establishes business contacts among scientists from Kazakhstan, Armenia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Georgia and their colleagues from research centers in EU, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Norway, the United States and other countries. The ISTC promotes international scientific projects and helps the global scientific […]
Posted: 24.09.2018
September 3 through 7, 2018 Medet Aktayev, an employee of the branch IRSE NNC RK, took part in the annual meeting with IAEA’s experts of the regional group of the Asian Nuclear Safety Network on the issue: “Assessing geotechnical aspects, flooding and radiological effect when deploying nuclear facilities” held in Bangkok city, Tailand. Meeting members […]
Posted: 23.01.2024
From 2020 to 2023, as part of the «Science for Peace and Security», the Branch of the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology of the NNC RK implemented the international scientific grant project NATO No. SPS985684 «New biological and physical triage methods in radiological emergencies» (BioPhyMeTRE).
Posted: 10.12.2019
December 9 through 12, 2019 ‘ArcGIS’ training workshop ‘Core workflows and carrying out the analysis’ began in Almaty. The workshop is attended by employees of the geoinformation technology laboratory, Training and Information Center (GTL TIC) – Kseniya Dyomina and Darya Livchina on behalf of the branch ‘Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology’ RSE NNC RK. […]
Posted: 05.10.2022
In accordance with the Order of the Director General of RSE NNC RK E.G. Batyrbekov No.03-07/44 ext. as of 2022/02/22, in Kurchatov town at the base of the branch “Institute of Atomic Energy” RSE NNC RK within the period from October 12 to 14, 2022, XXI R&D Conference-Competition is held for Young Scientists and Specialists […]
Posted: 07.12.2017
Congratulations to the branch head Sergei Lukashenko on getting into the final on “100 new persons of Kazakhstan” project! The project was initiated by the head of the state N.A. Nazarbayev as part of the public awareness improvement program as well as in order to draw attention of the society to the history of contemporaries. […]
Posted: 30.10.2024
From October 23 to 24, 2024, the III International Youth Conference “Genetic and Radiation Technologies in Agriculture” was held at the FSBI ‘Russia-wide Scientific Research Institute of Radiology and Agroecology of the National Research Center ‘Kurchatov Institute’ at the site of the Kurchatov Genomic Forum. Within the conference, the workshop ‘Fundamental and applied aspects of […]
Posted: 02.09.2019
On September 28-29, 2019 the employees of the Department for Comprehensive Studies of Ecosystems of the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology of the NNC RK – Head of EBR group, Candidate of Medical Sciences, L.B. Kenzhina and specialist A.O. Kenesarina took part in annual XIV «Environment. Radiation. Health» International Research and Practical Conference, housed […]