Posted: 06.12.2022
On December 2, 2022, the annual XVIII youth workshop ‘Nuclear capacity of Kazakhstan’ was held in Astana c. arranged by the association the ‘Nuclear Society of Kazakhstan’. 6 focus areas were discussed at the workshop: staff training in the field of nuclear industry; radioecology and geophysics issues; the development of uranium mining industry; the operation […]
Posted: 07.10.2019
October 3 through 4, 2019 in Obninsk city, Russia, the International conference for young scientists ‘Current problems in radiobiology, radioecology and agroecoogy’, arranged by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution ‘All-Russian Scientific and Research Technical Institute of Radioecology and Agroecology’ (FSBSI VNIIRAE) was held. Issues of up-to-date achievements in the field of radiation biology, radioecology, […]
Posted: 17.05.2019
On the first day of his working visit to Kurchatov city, the ambassador from the USA William H. Mozer visited a complex of research reactors “Baikal-1” at which he was introduced to projects implemented as part of the Kazakh-American cooperation in the field of atomic energy development and solving issues of nuclear weapons non-proliferation. In […]
Posted: 04.03.2021
Semipalatinsk Test Site: Legacy and Prospects of Scientific-Technical Potential Development Kurchatov, Republic of Kazakhstan , 07 – 09 September 2021 CONFERENCE ORGANISERS Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan RSE “National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan” including Branches: “Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology” “Institute of Atomic Energy” “Institute of Geophysical Researches” […]
Posted: 27.03.2023
In accordance with the Order of the Acting Director General of RSE NNC RK, S.S. Lokshtanov No.63 as of 13.03.2023, in Kurchatov at the base of Institute of Geophysical Research RSE NNC RK branch within the period from May 30 to June 1, 2023, XXII R&D Competition-Conference for Young Scientists and Specialists of the National […]
Posted: 15.08.2024
Any person wishing is kindly invited to visit the exhibition hall of the Semipalatinsk Test Site history on the Welcome Day. Date of event: August 27, 2024 Venue: National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Abai region, Kurchatov town, 2 Beibit Atom Str.) Program: A tour of the exhibition hall, which displays various instruments, […]
Posted: 27.12.2019
The organizer of this event is MSI ‘Youth’s Resource Center’ of Kurchatov city. As part of the forum program, staff members of the Bureau of Scientific and Technical Information (BSTI) of the branch ‘Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology’ arranged a travelling exhibition to the museum of Semipalatinsk Test Site (STS) for residents of Kurchatov […]
Posted: 14.06.2024
On July 10-12, 2024, the International Conference on Radiation Applications (RAP 2024) was held in Granada city (Spain). The conference was attended by scientists and experts in radiation physics, chemistry, medicine, biology and ecology from different countries of the world. Andrey V. Panitsky, a head of the Department of Radioecological and Biodosimetric Research, Yelena N. […]
Posted: 23.06.2023
As part of the Summer School ‘Young Physicist-2023’, which is annually held for 8-10 graders, 44 pupils from Kurchatov and Akzhar vil. schools visited the ‘Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology’ of RSE ‘NNC RK’ on the premises of RSE ‘National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan’ and JSC ‘Park of Nuclear Technologies’ on […]