Copyright for STS database
The National Nuclear Center RK obtained a certificate for state registration of rights to intellectual property — database “Radioecological situation at Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site”.
Currently NNC RK has gained a huge amount of information concerning the territory of the former Semipalatinsk Test Site. These are outputs of scientific research programs, commercial projects implemented by different organizations.
To solve the problem associated with storage, timely access and effective processing of data as well as to undertake comprehensive studies of STS, application of geoinformation systems is especially efficient. Consequently, employees have developed a database for storing observations which includes general information on samples collected as well as gamma-spectrometric, radiochemical, chemical and other types of analyses. It allows evaluation of the current radioecological situation in the territory and performs a number of monitoring functions.
“As of today the database involves information gathered since 1997 till 2018 and the amount of data keeps growing. The data base created is a strong informational basis for monitoring radioecological situation in the STS area and subsequent territorial zoning in order to assess a possibility of releasing lands of the former Semipalatinsk Test Site to economic turnover”, — reported NNC RK Director General Erlan Batyrbekov.