Posted: 20.04.2018
In Obninsk city on April 19-20, 2018 II International (XV Regional) scientific conference “Technogenic systems and ecological risk” was held based on the Institute of Atomic Energy — the branch of the National Nuclear Research University “MEPhI” (IAE NNRU MEPhi). At the plenary and breakout sessions of the conference there were relevant problems addressed in […]
Posted: 01.02.2020
On the 31st of January in the city cultural center the project «Excursion to the Semipalatinsk Test Site» was demonstrated. The employees of the branch «Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology» of the RSE NNC RK provided information on the history of Semipalatinsk Test Site (STS) and current radioecological state of the STS. The visitors […]
Posted: 10.09.2021
On September 9, IX International conference ‘SEMIPALATINSK TEST SITE: LEGACY AND PROSPECTS FOR SCIENTIFIC-TECHNICAL POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT’ dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the closure of Semipalatinsk Test Site was came to an end. Scientists and specialists working in the field of radiobiology and radiation medicine from 15 countries of near and far abroad ((Kazakhstan, Russia, […]
Posted: 08.06.2023
May 29 through June 2, 2023, the Greek Marine Research Center in Anavyssos c., Greece, hosted the International conference on radiation application ‘RAP-2023’. The conference goal was to provide researchers and specialists engaged in application matters of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation and in other related fields with an opportunity to share and discuss their findings […]
Posted: 11.10.2019
October 7 through 10, 2019 Oxana Laykhova, the staff member of the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology, National Nuclear Center RK (IRSE NNC RK) attended the workshop ‘Research into climatic changes using nuclear and isotopic techniques’ which was held in Kyoto city, Japan as part of the Forum of Nuclear Cooperation in Asia (FNCA) […]
Posted: 15.08.2024
Any person wishing is kindly invited to visit the exhibition hall of the Semipalatinsk Test Site history on the Welcome Day. Date of event: August 27, 2024 Venue: National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Abai region, Kurchatov town, 2 Beibit Atom Str.) Program: A tour of the exhibition hall, which displays various instruments, […]
Posted: 08.12.2023
As part of the work implementation in accordance with the obligations and terms of the Memorandum “Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development of Canada on the in-kind contribution to the noble gas radionuclide monitoring station to strengthen the compliance […]
Posted: 04.10.2018
October 1 through 4, for the purpose of popularizing the science, innovative technologies and technical education, raising ecological competence and reducing radiophobia level as well as disseminating basic knowledge and forming a positive attitude towards the atomic branch, there are meetings for schoolchildren in different places of Ust-Kamenogorsk city arranged by joint efforts of the […]
Posted: 21.02.2020
Training courses on the subject «Special Training of the Personnel Responsible for Radiation Safety. Radiation Protection and Safety.» arranged for the employees of the RSE NNC RK took place in the branch «Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology» at February, 17-20 2020. In total, 41 employees attended lectures and practical trainings. The courses involved questions […]
Posted: 02.10.2020
At the 1st of October, 2020 the ХIХ annual R&D Contest-Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists of the NNC RK took place. This year, due to epidemiological situation the contest-conference was conducted in form of online-conference housed by the branch «Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology» of the RSE «NNC RK». Specialists of the branches […]