Posted: 27.03.2023
In accordance with the Order of the Acting Director General of RSE NNC RK, S.S. Lokshtanov No.63 as of 13.03.2023, in Kurchatov at the base of Institute of Geophysical Research RSE NNC RK branch within the period from May 30 to June 1, 2023, XXII R&D Competition-Conference for Young Scientists and Specialists of the National […]
Posted: 30.08.2019
On the 29th of August traditional «Action for Peace» event, dedicated to closure of Semipalatinsk Test Site took place in Semey. 70 years ago on this day the first nuclear explosion was made at the Semipalatinsk Test Site. The action which has been regularly arranged at «Beibitshilik» island, was this time dedicated to the 30th […]
Posted: 04.10.2022
September 26 through 30, 2022 IV scientific forum ‘Nuclear Science and Technologies’ was held at the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty c. The forum was dedicated to the 65th anniversary of INP ME of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This scientific event was attended by 10 […]
Posted: 19.12.2023
On December 15, XIX International workshop for young specialists on the subject ‘Kazakhstan’s nuclear capacity’ annually arranged by the association ‘Nuclear Society of Kazakhstan’ was held in Astana city. The branch ‘IRSE’ RSE NNC RK was actively involved in the section ‘Matters of radioecology and geophysics’ with oral presentations delivered by: D.B. Biyakhmetova on the […]
Posted: 10.12.2020
Between December 7 and 11, 2020, another online training for specialists in charge of radiation safety assurance and radiological monitoring (Group A personnel) is held in the Training and Information Center of the branch ‘Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology’ RSE ‘National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan (IRSE NNC RK) on the subject: […]
Posted: 02.10.2019
On October 1, 2019 the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology RSE NNC RK held a charitable event in support of elderly and disabled people. To commemorate the Day of Elderly People, money gifts were presented to 25 IRSE retirees, three pensioners of Kurchatov city, a retiree who IRSE looks after and the veteran of […]
Posted: 22.10.2022
The National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan represented by the head of the biodosimetric research laboratory, Laura B. Kenzhina, Ph.D. in Medicine, participated in the European Radiation Protection Week (ERPW 2022) event held in Estoril city, Portugal under the NATO SPS 985684 Project October 9 through 15, 2022. This is a large annual […]
Posted: 05.11.2019
From 2010 onwards, the branch ‘Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology’ (IRSE) has regularly worked on preparation and issue of scientific publications entitled ‘Topical issues in radioecology of Kazakhstan’. As of today, those are now 6 issues published in three languages (Russian, Kazakh, English). At all times, the book was and is the best […]
Posted: 10.11.2023
Under the implementation of IRN Project AP19576259 ‘Ecological assessment of small rivers as an indicator of the geosystem transformation of mining regions in the East Kazakhstan’, engineers from the elemental analysis laboratory, the Monitoring, Ecological and Analytical Research Department (MEARD) V.V. Kolbin and Ye.Z. Shakenov completed the staff development course ‘Application Basics of the inductively […]