Posted: 07.04.2020
One of the priorities in Institute’s activities is research into the radiological situation of the former Semipalatinsk Test Site. Preparatory measures are annually taken for implementing the work planned before the field season starts. These consist in defining the amount of sampling, planning visits, preparing equipment and instruments. It is worth noting, however insignificant this […]
Posted: 21.07.2020
Staff members of Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology NNC RK have been engaged in research into tritium behaviour in environmental objects, its accumulation by plants and redistribution processes including OBT for the last few years. Experiments with various crops are conducted both in greenhouse conditions and in full-scale conditions of tritium contamination at Semipalatinsk […]
Posted: 10.09.2021
On September 9, IX International conference ‘SEMIPALATINSK TEST SITE: LEGACY AND PROSPECTS FOR SCIENTIFIC-TECHNICAL POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT’ dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the closure of Semipalatinsk Test Site was came to an end. Scientists and specialists working in the field of radiobiology and radiation medicine from 15 countries of near and far abroad ((Kazakhstan, Russia, […]
Posted: 04.07.2024
Congratulations to a chief of the radioecological and biogeochemical research laboratory of the branch ‘Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology’ of RSE NNC RK Yelena N. Polivkina on an academic title awarded – an associate professor in scientific line 10500 – Biological Sciences. A relevant order from the chair of the Quality Assurance Committee in […]
Posted: 15.08.2023
On the threshold of the International Day of Antinuclear Test Actions, the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan is inviting everybody to visit the exhibition hall of the Semipalatinsk Test Site history on August 24, 2023. The tour schedule is as follows: from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 o’clock – in Kazakh and Russian, […]
Posted: 31.01.2020
The completion of 2019 was marked by the success of staff members of the team of biodosimetric and epidemiological research in IRSE under the guidance of Candidate of Mathematical Sciences Laura Kenzhina, who won the Grant ‘New biological and physical methods of sorting in radiological and nuclear emergencies’ as part of the NATO’s program ‘Science […]
Posted: 07.08.2020
The International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) is an intergovernmental organization that establishes business contacts among scientists from Kazakhstan, Armenia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Georgia and their colleagues from research centers in EU, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Norway, the United States and other countries. The ISTC promotes international scientific projects and helps the global scientific […]
Posted: 05.11.2020
Currently between November, 2nd and November, 6th 2020 the IAEA is being conducting an online training course on isotopic hydrology within the frame of RER7013 project «Assessment of resources of subsurface water and its exchange with surface water objects and contribution to the change of climate. Representatives of 25 different organizations have been successfully using […]
Posted: 06.04.2018
On April 1 a second ISTC project “Assessment of ecological risk after excavation nuclear tests: “Chagan” underground nuclear test conducted at Semipalatinsk Test Site, the Republic of Kazakhstan, a case study” started. As a reminder Semipalatinsk Test Site (STS) was one of the largest test sites for testing nuclear weapons across the globe. Nuclear tests […]
Posted: 28.12.2022
On December 23 and 24, 2022 Alikhan Bokeikhan Semey University held the first regional youth forum entitled ‘TOGETHER! ON THE SAME WAVELENGTH!’. The main forum goals were to find a socially active talented young people, improve occupational and creative competencies, gain useful knowledge and skills of self-fulfilment for the sake of economic, civilian and cultural […]