On September 9, IX International conference ‘SEMIPALATINSK TEST SITE: LEGACY AND PROSPECTS FOR SCIENTIFIC-TECHNICAL POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT’ dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the closure of Semipalatinsk Test Site was came to an end. Scientists and specialists working in the field of radiobiology and radiation medicine from 15 countries of near and far abroad ((Kazakhstan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Greece, Belarus, Poland, China, Turkey, Hungary, Azerbaidzhan, Slovenia, Japan, Norway, Austria and Germany) attended the section ‘Radiation ecology and medicine’.
52 oral (of these 3 were plenary) and 30 poster presentations were delivered. A total of 93 persons were registered for the section.
Topical experimental, methodological and analytical issues were addressed including: a comprehensive solution to issues of the former Semipalatinsk Test Site; radioecological research and assessment of risks to man and ecosystems; monitoring of the former test sites and other radiation-hazardous objects; remediation of territories affected by man-made contamination; new approaches to solution of scientific and applied problems in radioecology; nuclear and radiation technologies in industry and medicine.
The conference was held online despite the pandemic. Both the chamber atmosphere and research proficiency were maintained.
As a whole, section participants were noted to be highly proficient when discussing problems in radiation ecology and medicine, and development of atomic energy safety.